Sunday, 15 February 2015

Your New Years Resolutions...

A New Year's resolution is a tradition in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year's Day

Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus, for whom the month of January is named. In the Medieval era, the knights took the "peacock vow" at the end of the Christmas season each year to re-affirm their commitment to chivalry.
At watch night services, many Christians prepare for the year ahead by praying and making these resolutions.

I can’t remember my first ever new year’s resolution, Can you? Yet I can always remember trying to make one or two. When I was young it was always the same, every year, I promised I would stop biting my nails, I think probably after the 8th year it worked...... I don’t think it was a resolution though, I think I just grew up and got bored with it!!
And that’s how it is for many of us, we want to stop smoking, loose a few pounds, earn more money, get a better job and so on, it’s all about improving our own lives yet we fail miserably.
So, I've done some research and allot of thinking, my thoughts turned to the actual event. Our New Year’s Resolution is always made on New Year’s Day, of course it is, that’s why it’s called A New year’s resolution, but, if you look deeper than that, thinking out of the box now, What if you started a resolution on the 1st of February? Or March or any month of the year... You see we are more likely to stick to our resolution on the first of February than on the first of January because once new years celebrations are over and were approaching the end of January, people who are struggling with their New year’s promise can willingly or unwittingly say to themselves, oh well, never mind I can always start again next year. So now you’re of the hook, you've got 11 months to prepare for your next knew Years resolution... BUT, what if you start your resolution on the first day of any month..... Your subconscious can no longer make the same excuse....... one month leads into the next so your resolution can continue into the next month and so on....and that’s where Hypnotherapy starts, if you really want to give up smoking, lose weight, grab some confidence or go for that job vacancy........ Then it starts now.... don’t wait for New Year’s Day 2016.
If you are contemplating using a Hypnotherapist for your ‘first of the Month’ Resolution, then make sure he/she is qualified, many Hypnotherapist claim they are, but they are not. Make sure they belong to a governing body... you as the client will be protected and so will the therapist. This is very important because the relationship you have with your Hypnotherapist is going to be a very honest, respectful and precious one. You will be divulging very personal information that you have been carrying around with you for a long time, you must be willing to trust your therapist, know that your therapist will never judge you and know that the treatment plan you both come up with will be the very best.

Don’t run before you can walk.....if a client came to me who wanted to lose weight, as a responsible therapist, I would be looking at the root cause of why that person feels he/she needs to loose weight, what caused their weight problem, how long has the weight issue been going on for and most importantly.... when did it become a problem, at what age was it first noticed as a problem and how did they feel at the time... The weight issue may just be the tip of the iceberg; layer by layer a good therapist will be able to seek out the fundamental reasoning behind you wanting to lose weight, by peeling of each section, your ultimate goal to loose weight and sustain the weight loss will succeed....... Of course, you may want to lose weight because your just not comfortable with the size that you are and all other aspects of your life is good, only you can be the judge of that.
Your treatment program is designed for you; it can be changed as you progress so stick with it!! Remember...the consequence of your treatment will have a profound effect on your life... for whatever treatment you are using hypnosis for, the end result is the same.... to change your life for the better.

Hypnosis works, whether you just want to build your confidence for that particular Job interview or driving exam, or, for something much deeper and longer lasting, Hypnosis really is the gateway to a much happier and brighter you.

Rosette and Caroline x

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