Thursday, 12 March 2015

Hair Goal- This one might make you cry

It's a question we're regularly asked at the salon...speedy hair growth. We often reply with the same answer. Unfortunatly there's no true miracle, there's no special growth spray or grow bags that will instantly give you longer hair over night. We prefer to think you should embrace your growing locks, nuture and care for them, enjoy styling them and then when your hair reaches your desired length you will have a good healthy hair routine and you'll centainly appreciate it....


We have recently been exploring these special 'speedy hair remedies' for those at the end of their teather, desperate for long locks. Over the next few weeks we'll be sharing these with you, for you to enjoy and maye try at your own leisure.We took this from rapidhomeremedies

Onion juice, supposedly ''smelly but effective remedy for hair growth''

Apparently onion juice contains sulphur which boosts the production of collagen tissues. These tissues assist in re growth of your hair. You will only need red onions, even shallots would do.

  • Take two to four onions.
  • Grate the onions and squeeze out the grate thing to get its juice.
  • Massage your scalp with this fresh onion juice.
  • Let it be there for, preferably one hour. If not, leave it there at least for 15 minutes.
  • Now wash off your hair with a mild shampoo and water.

Onion not only helps in re growth of hair but also lends your hair with a fabulous sheen.

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